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Sustainable Energy

NTC offers consultancy services on a wide variety of sustainable solutions
Building Controls & Audits

LED Lighting

At NTC, we work hard to educate companies on the benefits of investing in good lighting for financial and environmental purposes. We are always doing our research on tax information and finding programs that can enable property owners to improve lighting cost and efficiency.
Benefits of energy efficient lighting
benefis of good lighting, good lighting
One of the easiest yet most overlooked  ways to lower energy usage is modifying the lighting that a facility is using.
  • Require significantly less energy

  • Longer life-span

  • Lower greenhouse emission

  • Money saver

Solar Power

Solar power systems consume pure energy from the sun and making the switch can help combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our collective dependence on fossil fuel. With low greenhouse gas emissions from solar power, making the switch is an essential strategy in efforts to combat climate change at an individual and national level.

Good Return on Investment
Businesses that utilize solar power are eligible for tax credits.
Low Maintenance High Reliability
Solar panels are built to last, requiring less maintenance.
Reduced Operating Cost
Solar power is cheaper than the average cost per unit.
solar panels, city


At NTC we are customer advocates helping you make the right energy decisions. Through our customized software controlled systems you can manage all energy used within your building.   

We have proven solutions to retrofit your HVAC units and bring them back to close to their original state.

Our product is designed to:
  • Accelerate the movement of heat 
  •  Accelerate refrigerant flow
  • Provide better lubrication through surface enhancement
  • HVAC units achieve set temperatures faster, while drawing less energy.  
Other benefits of a more energy efficient HVAC system
Green Building
Productivity and Health Benefits
Monetary Benefits
HVAC system

At NTC we have a nanotechnology that can restore efficiency and prevent future damage 

Protect your HVAC from:
  • Acid
  • Moisture
  • Corrosion
NTC can help your HVAC system operate  at its intended design and provide significant savings

Building Control

At NTC we are customer advocates that can help you make the right energy decisions for your business's building.
Energy savings
Employee comfort
Access to live information on building usage
Having proper building control can:
  • Decrease HVAC energy use by 25%

  • Sustain repeatable, and predictable improvements in building energy performance

  • Generate energy and operational savings across multiple buildings with differing BMS backbones

  • Maintain or increase employee comfort at all times 

  • Improve property value by increasing LEED and NABERS scores

We Help our customers use less
  • Installing monitors and energy management systems can give the ability to tweak and change usage as needed.

  • Replacing HVAC and Boiler retrofit conversions can be expensive. NTC consultants can help customers understand their options and consider the energy profile as part of the project.

  • NTC can gather proposals, provide you with comparisons and make the right recommendation so that your facility is compliant  with local laws. 

We help customer pay less
  • If a customer is located in a deregulated market for electricity or gas switching suppliers may be a good choice. NTC helps our customers navigate through bulk energy buyers and a massive array of options to find the best choices to fit your company.


NTC can provide audits to make sure that your business is saving as much money as possible on gas and electricity. 
  • ASHRAE Level I, II, III audits
  • American Society of Heating & refrigeration
Building Controls


More efficient water operations in your business can have economic and environmental benefits:

More efficient water systems can reduce expenses by incorporating changes that require less energy to be used.

Using less energy benefits the environment by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

water, earth, water drop
 Leak Detection:
  • Detect water leaks 24/7
  • Wireless solution
  • Cost effective
Water meter upgrades:
  • Reduce your water bill
Smart Irrigation Solutions:
This solution is best for large landscaping applications.
(golf course, corporate campus, university campus, resorts, etc).
Low Flow / Flush Fixtures:
Site survey anywhere in the tri-state area, rebates and incentives can be applied here.
Let NTC consultants help you find the right sustainable energy solutions for your business
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